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Ann Miller

She, Her, Hers

Ann Miller (she/her/hers) first became involved with PFLAG when she attended a local chapter for support after her then 17-year-old child came out as transgender. There she found education and resources to better help her child in navigating social and medical transition. Taking the motto, “when you no longer need PFLAG, PFLAG needs you” to heart, Ann then became a support group facilitator and later formed the chapter’s first real board of directors acting as board president for six years. In October 2020 she was elected to the Regional Director position for the Gulf Region, the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, and Mississippi. As the Regional Director Ann serves as the PFLAG representative on equality coalitions in each of her states. She is passionate about expanding the chapter network, increasing chapter efficiency, and advocating for the rights of all LGBTQIA individuals but mostly transgender youth. Ann lives outside of Atlanta, Georgia, with her husband of 37 years, and is the mother of two grown sons and the grandma to one. As a small business owner, Ann brings a unique perspective to her advocacy work. She and her son are in demand as speakers and they share openly about LGBTQIA issues including mental health, transition care, youth resiliency, and addiction recovery from both the parent and young adult perspective.