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Blanca Leos

She, Her, Hers

Blanca’s involvement with PFLAG started when her son came out. She initially wanted to get educated about the LGBTQ+ community and learn how to break the stigma of raising a Catholic, Latino, gay son. As a single Latina mom, her work with PFLAG and experience raising her child helped her learn how to educate people on their preconceived notions about LGBTQ+ people. Her passion for the Latino community has inspired her to become the best ally she can be, and the struggles she and her son encountered over the years provided great educational opportunities among their family, friends, and other allies, all while raising awareness.

Shortly after Blanca’s initial involvement with PFLAG Denver, she became the president of the chapter. Since then, she has used outside-of-the-box-thinking to grow the chapter: Adding satellite meetings, developing new ways to raise money, and creatively increasing the chapter’s visibility in the LGBTQ+ and wider community. As a leader she has been challenged in new and surprising ways, achieved things she never thought possible—and done things outside of her comfort zone that have made her grow in her role.