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Kathy Munzinger

She, Her, Hers

Kathy clearly remembers her first PFLAG Springfield meeting: It was in April 2004, two months after her daughter came out. Living in a region that sometimes seemed hostile, Kathy needed support.

With guidance from PFLAG, Kathy moved from needing support, to becoming educated, then making it her mission to become an advocate. She began lobbying before state and local officials to pass sexual orientation and gender identity protections, and stepped into the role of chapter president, serving five years.

During Kathy’s term as president, the chapter received the PFLAG National Advocacy Award for a billboard campaign that continues now, eight years later. Kathy then joined the committee of a local LGBTQ+ charity, opening the door for PFLAG to become a fully funded beneficiary of an effort that in 19 years has raised more than $1.2 million, and helped fund the chapter’s endowment for college scholarships.

After retiring from the successful sales agency she co-founded and operated for 25 years as a Manufacturers’ Representative, Kathy has assumed major roles in the local volunteer community.

A proud PFLAG Mom, Kathy and her husband also have a son, and two daughters-in-law. In 2021, they welcomed the birth of their first two grandchildren. In December they will celebrate 50 years of marriage.

Kathy looks forward to supporting and strengthening chapters in the Central Region!