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Faith Resources for Muslims

Muslim communities have been subjected to Islamophobia, racism, and violence based on ignorance. In some ways, the contemporary Muslim experience mirrors the LGBTQ+ experience. Support for those whose identities intersect with both communities is all the more important.

Muslims for Progressive Values: Muslims for Progressive Values  advocate for human rights, social justice and inclusion in the United States and around the world by inculcating a culture rooted in human rights through public education, advocacy, and the arts. 

Queer Muslims: Queer Muslims provide space for LGBTQ Muslims to express themselves, share information and resources, and connect with one another. They discourage name calling, debate about Islamic texts, or negative comments. 

Coming Home to Self: This guide is aimed at LGBTQ American Muslims who are on the journey toward living fully in their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, and in their faith and its traditions. 

I Am Muslim And I Might Not Be Straight – Advocates for Youth: This PDF offers support for for young Muslims around their various complicated identities: from religion to sexual orientation and gender identity. This publication is aimed as a resource for young Muslims to better understand issues around sexuality, religion, sexual health and consent.

Desi Rainbow Families and Allies: A longtime partner of PFLAG National, this is a growing group of Desi parents, allies and LGBTQ+ people all dedicated to the idea that being proud and visible, supporting others and telling our stories will transform the lives of LGBTQ+ children of all ages, and of their families. 

Imaan: Based in the UK, Imaan strives to provide support for LGBTQ Muslims, their families, and their allies. Imaan promotes the Islamic values of peace, social justice, and tolerance by providing a safe space and support network to address issues of sexual orientation and gender identity within Islam.

The Inner Circle: Based in South Africa, The Inner Circle (TIC), was formed in 1996 as an underground network of study circles meant to help LGBT Muslims reconcile Islam with their sexuality. They strive to engage diverse faiths and encourage independent reasoning among the local, national, and international Muslim community.

Salaam: Queer Muslim Community of Canada: Based in Canada, Salaam is an organization that serves LGBTQ+ Muslims as well as their family and friends. They have a number of support groups that meet throughout Canada to discuss diverse subjects that relate to sexual orientation, religion, and spirituality. They also attempt to maintain a list of open and inclusive Mosques through el-Tawhid Juma Circle Mosques.

Queer Muslim Revolution: Founded in 2007, this blog that collects progressive news, information, and resources for LGBT Muslims as well as their families and friends. They also have great information about books, movies, and documentaries that deal with the topic of sexual orientation and gender identity within Islam.

Irshad Manji: Irshad Manhji is the founder of the Moral Courage Project at New York University. She is an advocate of a reform and progressive interpretation of Islam and advocates for the LGBT community. This section of her website has links to transcripts from speeches that discuss both the ecumenical and Islamic perspective on whether or not LGBTQ Muslims can be true to themselves and their faith.