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Sharing Your Story

Sharing your story can help others empathize with you and your loved ones. You can establish yourself not only as an advocate for equality but also as a resource to help educate others. Storytelling can be used in everyday conversation, at events in support of your cause, and as a tool for lobbying with elected officials. Personal stories allow you to move the discussion away from policies and laws and make it about people. 

Choose Your Personal Story

Pick a moment that gives a glimpse into your experience as an LGBTQ person or ally:

  • Your coming out/disclosure story
  • Incidents of bullying or discrimination
  • Your journey to accepting yourself or others
  • What it felt like to find out that someone you love is LGBTQ

Convey Your Message

Don’t just tell a story. Use it to forward your important and unique message:

  • The struggle and fear involved in disclosure/coming out
  • The power and value of acceptance, or pain of exclusion
  • The value of understanding yourself and/or others


  • Review Change the World in Two Minutes: How to Share Your Story, a PFLAG Academy Online Resource
  • Allow your story to evolve as you do.
  • Don’t go on autopilot, when telling your story in person. Stay aware of how you’re feeling and how people respond.
  • Keep the details concise and know what to leave out.
  • Stay committed to the truth. Don’t exaggerate or change your story because you think it might be more convincing.
  • Don’t feel the need to be an expert. If someone asks you a question and you don’t know the answer, commit to finding the information and following up.
  • Let your emotions show when telling your story in person. This openness will help others relate to your message.
  • Engage in the conversation by using gestures and making eye contact.
  • Avoid using ‘insider’ language and acronyms until you’ve explicitly explained them.