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Lobbying By Email and Mail

Step-By-Step Plan:

  1. Format the address and salutation properly:
    • The Honorable [Full Name]
      [Room #] [Name of] House Office Building United States House of Representatives
      Washington, DC 20515, or
    • The Honorable [Full Name]
      [Room #] [Name of] Senate Office Building United States Senate
      Washington, DC 20510
  2. Identify yourself as a constituent and include your full address, including your zip code, as well as your phone number.
  3. State why you are writing and your position on the issue.
  4. Discuss how the issue impacts you or your loved ones by sharing your personal story in your email or letter, but remember to keep it brief.
  5. Ask that your elected official support or oppose the legislation you have discussed.
  6. Conclude with how best to reach you. 


  • Limit your letter or email to one page and one issue.
  • Avoid using too much jargon, and explain any acronyms that you do use.
  • Keep emails professional; do not use shorthand or emojis, and be sure to run spell and grammar checks.
  • If possible, avoid pre-written letters and emails. If you’re starting with a prewritten document, add your personal story to it.