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Social Media


  • The following tips can be used on all social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest and more.
  • Start posts directed toward your elected official with “as your constituent…” to give your message more weight.
  • Use photos to grab the attention of those scrolling through their feeds.
  • Share information about issues and add your own PFLAG spin.
  • Create an Event on your Facebook page and invite people to join you and invite their own like-minded friends and colleagues. 
  • Share photos and videos of your efforts.
  • Give visibility to your coalition partners by sharing their posts.  
  • Be mindful and polite when posting and refrain from using offensive and derogatory language.


  • A hashtag is a word or phrase preceded by the symbol # that is used primarily in social media to identify a keyword or topic of interest and make it searchable. A trending hashtag is a hashtag that surges suddenly in popularity, and that can be used to get free exposure so that they show up when people look up the hashtag.
  • Use trending hashtags when posting on social media to guarantee that your post will be searchable under the hashtag, allowing a large number of people to see your message. You can also use advocacy-focused hashtags like #LGBTQ, #Pride, or a legislative number (i.e. #HB2) or state abbreviation so that other interested individuals see your message when they search for the topic. 
Content from Phone2Action, the Graduate School of Political Management at George Washington University, Big Commerce, and PFLAG National.