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Resources to Being a Lifelong Ally

Leveraging the nearly 50 years of experience that PFLAG has in helping people become more accepting—and sometimes even advocates—we’ve developed the following characteristics of what makes an effective ally. 

Rather than developing a stiff set of requirements for someone to be an ally, we thought about the qualities people—regardless of where they are on their ally journey—possess.

Therefore, allies are people who:

  • Are willing to learn: You don’t have to know it all, just be ready to learn more.
  • Work through their barriers: There are lots of reasons we don’t ally when we can; figure out yours and work through it.
  • Are active, all the time: This isn’t about a label or a sticker. It’s about what you do every single day.

Check out some of the resources below to help you on your ally journey.

[PUBLICATION] Guide to being a straight ally

[RESOURCE] What’s this? Personal Pronouns

[PUBLICATION] Guide to being a trans ally

[RESOURCE] 10 things you can do to be an ally to LGBTQ+ people

[RESOURCE] Where are you on the Ally Spectrum?