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For the People Act

The For the People Act is intended to expand and protect voting rights for all, end partisan and racial gerrymandering, get dark money out of politics, and restore transparency and accountability in our government.

In the 117th Congress, H.R. 1 was introduced in the House by Rep. John Sarbanes (D-MD) on January 4, 2021, where it passed 220-210. S.1 was introduced in the Senate by Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-OR) on March 17, 2021. With 48 votes, it failed to report favorably from the Rules Committee, and with a 50-50 vote on June 16, 2021, cloture was not invoked.


  • Contact your Senators and ask them to support the For the People Act. 
    • If your Senator has already supported or co-sponsored, contact them to thank them for their support. 


  • Our country is confronting a historic set of challenges—a global pandemic, devastating job loss, and economic displacement, out-of-control health costs, a warming planet, and more.
  • To confront these challenges, we must have a fully functioning democracy—one where all voices can be heard; where the public interest guides decision making; and where the people can put faith in their leaders to do the right thing for the country.
  • The rise of more than 250 voter suppression bills introduced in over 40 states is a symptom of a deeper problem with our democracy and only further underscores the urgency with which we need to transform our political system into one that works for all Americans.
  • The For the People Act would strike at the heart of our dysfunctional democracy, rebuilding it from the ground up. 
  • Making pro-democracy reforms a first priority is the key to making progress on all the other pressing issues facing our country. 
  • It’s time for our Senate to pass and sign into law these bold and common-sense reforms to heal our country and build a more just, fair, and inclusive democratic society.