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Dr. Edith Guffey, MSW

Vice President

She, Her, Hers

Edith Guffey has worked for the United Church of Christ for almost 30 years. A former officer of the denomination, she now serves as the Conference Minister of the Kansas-Oklahoma Conference. In this role she provides support for 60 churches in the two states.

A born midwesterner; Edith knows the challenges of marginalized communities and understands the intersectionality of race and LGBTQI concerns. Over the years, she has been a voice in the faith community encouraging congregations and people of faith to practice hospitality and extend an extravagant welcome to LGBTQI persons. Edith is pleased that in 2017 the Kansas-Oklahoma Conference formalized this welcome by voting that persons of all sexual orientations, races, gender and abilites are welcome, celebrated and invited to participate fully in the life of the Conference. Edith sees this as critically important in Kansas and Oklahoma where churches are often places of exclusion.

Edith has experience in conflict mediation; facilitating conversations on race and white privilege; fundraising and organizational development. She currently serves on the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council and Affordable Housing Advisory Board both in Douglas County Kansas. Edith has a Masters Degree from the University of Kansas; is married to Jerry and has two adult children.