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Lindsey Pasquale

She, Her, Hers | They, Them, Theirs

Lindsey Pasquale (she/they) joined PFLAG Hartford in late 2014, seeking support as they came to terms with their gender identity. Over time, Lindsey took on more and more of a leadership role, becoming a group facilitator, and is currently PFLAG Hartford’s Board Treasurer.

Lindsey is also Board Secretary for the New Haven Pride Center and coordinator for their Transgender Adult Support Group. She has presented workshops including “We Are All Genderfluid: These and Other Myths About Non-Binary People” and arranged and moderated panels including “Right to Play: Standing Up for Trans Athletes”.

They frequently panel for the Yale Internal Medicine residency program. Other major panels include Facebook@Stonewall at the Stonewall Inn as part of the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Riots and for Middlesex Hospital for Schwartz Rounds (promoting compassion in medicine) with panelists including Dr. Christine McGinn and Tony Ferraiolo.

At 26,000+ members, she is a key administrator of Non-Binary Gender Pride, the largest international non-binary support group on Facebook.

Lindsey and their wife Deb have been married for 30+ years. Their daughter April works as a technician in an environmental testing lab and their son Trevor just graduated with a degree in Culinary. Lindsey has a BS in Marketing and an MBA in Finance, and currently work as a consultant in the Insurance Software Industry. They are fond of encouraging people to help “create the world you want to live in”.