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Mackenzie Harte

Learning & Inclusion

Learning & Inclusion Coordinator

They, Them, Theirs

(202) 467-5411

Mackenzie Harte is the Learning & Inclusion Coordinator for PFLAG, working with the Straight For Equality program, which aims to invite, educate, and engage new allies in the effort to achieve full inclusion for people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+).

Prior to their time at PFLAG, Mackenzie was the Coordinator for Education & Training for the GLAAD Media Institute (GMI,) helping to build and grow the GMI from its inception in 2017. During their time with the GLAAD Media Institute, Mackenzie helped to train over 12,000 activists and advocates across the world. They also worked with media outlets to improve representation of LGBTQ+ people in journalism and entertainment.

Additionally, Harte led GLAAD’s Bisexual+ Awareness Week (#BiWeek) efforts in 2019 and 2020, creating and managing over a week’s worth of digital content and overseeing partnerships with Spotify, the Bisexual Resource Center, and Still Bisexual.

Mackenzie graduated from Fordham University at Lincoln Center in 2017 with a Major in Political Science and a minor in Bioethics. While at Fordham, Mackenzie held internships at GLAAD, Lambda Legal, and Advocates for Children of New York. During the Summers of 2014 through 2016, Harte was the Director for the YouthWorks program in their hometown of Hull, Massachusetts. Currently, Mackenzie resides in Brooklyn, NY.

Beyond their advocacy work, Mackenzie is a (song)writer, a politics nerd, and a staunch devotee of Carly Rae Jepsen.