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Robert Petersen

He, Him, His

When Robert came out to his parents in 1988, the first place he turned to for support for his family was PFLAG. Ever since then PFLAG has held a special place in his heart.

After going to the National Equality March in Washington, DC in 2009, Robert was inspired to step-up his efforts in LGBT activism. It was only natural for him to look to PFLAG, the organization that gave so much to his own family. He joined PFLAG Bakersfield’s board in 2010 and was elected their vice president in 2011. Robert joined PFLAG National’s Regional Directors Council in 2016 representing PFLAG’s Southern Pacific Region (Southern California and Hawaii) and continues to serve as that region’s regional director.

In recent years, Robert has been a passionate advocate for PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) for HIV prevention. He has given PrEP Presentations to PFLAG chapters throughout California, college LGBT clubs and LGBT community centers in Nashville and Las Vegas.