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501(c)(3) Advocacy Guidelines

These are rules you must follow while representing PFLAG, in person, including at chapter and coalition events, and online, including the use of PFLAG email and social media accounts. Violating these rules may result in the denial or revocation of PFLAG’s tax-exempt status. If you have questions contact PFLAG National’s Director of Advocacy, Policy, and Partnerships, Diego Sanchez.


  • Educate the public about issues relating to an upcoming election.
  • Attend candidate forums and town hall meetings.
  • Organize public forums where ALL candidates are invited and have equal speaking opportunity and coverage.
  • Ask ALL candidates about LGBT issues.
  • Wear clothing that supports specific issues, as long as it cannot be linked directly to a political party or candidate.
  • Issue public statements in favor/ opposition of elected officials’ positions on LGBTQ issues.


  • Endorse candidates in person, in writing, or online.
  • Participate in any political campaigns or conduct campaign outreach at meetings–no flyers, announcements about campaign events, etc.
  • Invite a candidate or their staff to a PFLAG meeting to recruit volunteers or give out membership lists.
  • Donate to any candidate on behalf of your PFLAG chapter.
  • Engage in partisan discussion at meetings.
  • Wear clothing/paraphernalia pertaining to or endorsing specific political parties or candidates.
  • Sell chapter member email lists to campaigns. 

Elected officials vs. Candidates: Know the Difference

Understanding when an incumbent is acting as a candidate, versus in their role as an alreadyelected official, correlates with the activity in question, not the timing. For example, an incumbent holding a town hall is acting in their role as an elected official because they are not there to campaign, but to focus on legislative issues.