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Faith Resources for Christians

“Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.” (1 Peter 3:8 (NIV) )

While the actions of some churches have given Christians a bad name when it comes to LGBTQ+ rights, others have worked for decades fighting the good fight toward inclusion for all. Doctrinal and sectarian splits make it difficult to keep score, but the organizations below have, by and large, been in it for the long haul. This list will be updated periodically as new resources become available.

The Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists: The Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists is the only organization devoted to supporting LGBT Baptists and their allies in the United States. They strive to support churches, organizations, and individuals who are committed to the full inclusion of LGBT Baptists in church life and mission.

Believe Out Loud Video: How to Be Welcoming: This great four-minute video from Believe Out Loud shows some of the basic steps that Christian faith leaders can take to become a welcome and affirming congregation. It includes information and best practices for anyone interested in learning more about ways to make their church more inclusive.

Brave Commons: Brave Commons seeks to elevate the voices of LGBTQ+ students working within and beyond Christian universities in the United States.

Canyon Walker Connections: Canyon Walker Connections is maintained by Kathy Baldock, a straight evangelical Christian who has dedicated her life to improving the relationship between faith communities and the LGBT community. Kathy has also organized a social media project called Str8 Apology, is available for speaking engagements, and maintains an extensive list of resources for LGBT Christians and their allies.

Catholics for Equality: Catholics for Equality was founded in 2010 to support, educate, and mobilize Catholics in the advancement of freedom and equality at the federal, state, and local levels for LGBT family, parish and community members.

Dignity USA: Dignity USA is a chapter-based nonprofit organization founded in 1973 to serve LGBT Catholics and their allies. They stress the need to provide safe space where LGBT Catholics and their allies can share personal and spiritual concerns, participate in the sacramental life of the Church, and focus on education and social justice issues.

Fortunate Families: Fortunate Families ministers primarily with Catholic parents of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender daughters and sons—but welcomes families of all faiths. When parents explore and value their personal stories, they are empowered to share that story with their family circle, their faith community and the larger society.

Fellowship of Reconciling Pentecostals International: The Fellowship of Reconciling Pentecostals International is a network of Pentecostal ministers, churches, and ministries which seeks to reconcile all repentant people to God through the full gospel of Jesus Christ, without regard to race, gender, political persuasion, economic or educational status, sexual orientation, nationality, religious affiliation, or any other thing that divides.

Q Christian Fellowship: Q Christian Fellowship is a diverse community with varied backgrounds, cultures, theologies and denominations, drawn together through love of Christ and belief that every person is a beloved child of God.

Integrity USA: Integrity is a nonprofit organization of LGBT Episcopalians and their straight friends. Integrity has been the leading grassroots voice for the full inclusion of LGBT persons in the Episcopal Church and their equal access to its rites. However, advocacy is only one facet of Integrity’s ministry. At the national level and in local chapters and diocesan networks throughout the country, the primary activities are: worship, fellowship, education, communication, outreach, and service to the church.

Metropolitan Community Church: Founded in 1968 as the first church in the world with a positive ministry to the LGBT Community, Metropolitan Community Church has been a beacon of hope for decades. MCC Congregations provide support to LGBT people, their friends, families, and allies and continue to do amazing work in communities throughout the world. Reverend Troy Perry, the founder of MCC, presented our first ever Straight for Equality in Faith Communities award in 2012.

More Light Presbyterians: Following the risen Christ, and seeking to make the Church a true community of hospitality, the mission of More Light Presbyterians is to work for the full participation of LGBT people of faith in the life, ministry and witness of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

New Ways Ministry: New Ways Ministry is an LGBTQ-positive ministry of advocacy and justice for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Catholics, and reconciliation within the larger Christian and civil communities.

Reconciling Ministries Network: The Reconciling Ministries Network is focused on mobilizing United Methodists of all sexual orientations and gender identities to transform our Church and world into the full expression of Christ’s inclusive love.

ReconcilingWorks: Working at the intersection of oppressions, ReconcilingWorks (formerly Lutherans Concerned) embodies, inspires, advocates and organizes for the acceptance and full participation of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities within the Lutheran communion and its ecumenical and global partners.

Revolution Church: Revolution was started in Phoenix, AZ in 1994 by Kelli Miller, Mike Walls and Straight for Equality in Faith Communities Honoree Jay Bakker. These three saw a desperate need within their community for the love of Christ as it was evident that the church was ignoring and even blatantly rejecting a whole subculture of people based on their appearance and lifestyle. Revolution sought to meet this need through having services that featured bands, DJs, art exhibits, a coffeehouse and guest speakers. Services are based in Minneapolis, which is where Rev. Bakker now resides.

Truth In Progress: Truth in Progress is a multi-media project dealing with issues of race, sexual orientation, and religion. We take a special look at the similar yet different experiences and histories of the Black Civil Rights and LGBT Rights Movements.

The UCC Coalition for LGBT Concerns: The Coalition provides support and sanctuary to LGBT people, their families and friends; advocates for their full inclusion in church and society; and brings Christ’s affirming message of love and justice for all people. The United Church of Christ Coalition for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Concerns is officially recognized by the United Church of Christ as a related, self-created organization.

Unity: A faith community for people who might call themselves spiritual but not religious. It is for those who sense the depths of their own being and celebrate the awareness of a power greater than themselves. Their mission is fully inclusive.