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Gay and Trans Panic Defense Prohibition Act

This bill generally prohibits a federal criminal defendant from asserting, as a defense, that the nonviolent sexual advance of an individual or a perception or belief of the gender, gender identity or expression, or sexual orientation of an individual excuses or justifies conduct or mitigates the severity of an offense.

This bill was introduced into the Senate by Edward Markey (D-MA) on 04/15/2021, and into the House by Representative Chris Pappas (D-NH) on 04/16/2021.

ACTION REQUEST | Ask your Member of Congress and Senators to:

  • Co-sponsor this legislation 
  • Support the Gay and Trans Public Defense Prohibition Act
  • Advocate for its passing in the House and Senate


  • Our LGBTQ+ loved ones deserve the same legal protections as anyone else. Claiming a victim’s sexual orientation or gender identity justify murder or assault tells the LGBTQ+ community that their lives are not worthy of protection
  • As long as gay and trans panic defenses are allowed in our state and federal courts, the LGBTQ+ community will be deprived of the justice everyone deserves. With fifteen states already implementing bans, plus DC, we have the momentum to outlaw this bigoted legal defense across the country.