How to Stop Arguing About Religion but Make Your Point Recording & Training Toolkit
Religious objections still interfere with the equality of LGBTQ people, and arguments from the Bible, tradition, and religious authorities, are cited by critics to justify discrimination and abuse. We’ve heard the arguments and responses for over 50 years yet they continue, producing more heat than light as well as frustration for the arguer. Few walk away from such discussions feeling good about their responses.
This workshop’s goal is to put religious arguments into perspective, not to argue about, for example “what the Bible really says,” but to explore strategies to defuse and redirect even the most difficult arguments effectively into the issues that lie beneath the religious arguments where the healing can begin. All attendees will receive a PDF copy of the booklet When You’re Having a Religious Argument.
Presented by Dr. Robert N Minor
Robert N. Minor, Ph.D. is Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies at the University of Kansas. His eight books include When Religion Is an Addiction; Gay and Healthy in a Sick Society (called one of the “Top Gay Books of 2003”), and Scared Straight: Why It’s So Hard to Accept Gay People and Why It’s So Hard to be Human (finalist for the Lambda Literary Award and Independent Publisher Book Award). He is a single parent of a 42 year-old son and a seven-year-old grandson. He has served on, and presided over numerous boards and taskforces in the area of human rights and lectured and led workshops on gender, homophobia, racism, and healthy activism for universities, colleges, national and regional PFLAG conferences and meetings, churches, businesses, government organizations and religious groups and workshops on LGBTQ growth beyond “coming out.” He received GLAAD’s Leadership Award for Education. His website is
One of our key goals is to help you take the information that you learned in this session and use it to make your chapter stronger and more effective. To do that, we’ve created this page to provide you with tools, resources, and references to materials mentioned in the workshop. As always, the PFLAG National staff is here to help. If you have any questions, comments, or just need some good advice, please don’t hesitate to contact us!
Getting Started:
When You’re Having a Religious Argument, Dr. Robert N. Minor (PDF)
When Religion is an Addiction, Dr. Robert N. Minor
Scared Straight: Why It’s So Hard to Accept Gay People, and Why It’s So Hard to Be Human, Dr. Robert N. Minor
What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality, Daniel A. Helminiak
Additional Articles:
For those who are interested in re-examining passages (other than the usual ones cited from the Jewish and Christian Bibles) with a non-homophobic and strictly historical perspective to see how differently they can be understood, Dr. Minor has a series of online articles available at Whosoever :
Going to Argue Scripture with Someone? Here’s One Thing Never to Say —January 3, 2020
When Homophobia Is the Prejudice Through Which You Interpret the Bible —January 18, 2020
Maybe Jesus Actually Did Say Something About Homosexuality After All — February 5, 2020
Who Are Those ‘Eunuchs Who Have Been So from Birth’ in the Gospel of Matthew? — May 16, 2020
What Does the Biblical Legend of Jonathan and David’s Same-Sex Relationship Say About Homophobia? — March 5, 2020
What Would a Same-Sex Relationship Between Two Women Look Like in the Bible? — April 11, 2020
The Christmas Story Is About Who’s In and Who’s Out — December 24, 2019
PFLAG Resources:
be not afraid — help is on the way! straight for equality in faith communities
10 Things You Can Do to Be an Ally to People Who Are LGBTQ+ in Your Faith Community
Faith Resources for Christians
Faith Resources for Non-Judeo-Christian/Abrahamic Denominations