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Lobbying at In-Person Meetings

During Your Meeting: 

  • Introduce yourself: Mention that you are a constituent, and a PFLAGer, as well as any ties to your community.
  • Introduce the issue: Raise the topic you are there to discuss and ask about your legislator or their staff’s familiarity with the issue.
  • Talk about the issue: Have one to two powerful talking points ready about the issue you’re addressing. PFLAG National Policy one-pagers have such talking points about legislative priorities.
  • Make it personal: Relate the issue and your ask to a personal experience and a local need. Take photos of your loved ones with you to your meeting to put a real face on what can sometimes be abstract issues for legislators. Use your passion and emotion to your benefit.
  • Make the ask: Ask for your elected official to support or oppose the issue, policy, or legislation you have discussed, acknowledging that they may not feel ready to commit to your position yet, but ask that they keep an open mind. If you are speaking to a staffer, know that the staffer may not be able to commit to a policy stance on behalf of your elected official. 
  • Offer to be a resource: Offer to leave behind materials you have brought with you, such as our policy one-pagers, and, if needed, offer to share further materials after the meeting from home. Be clear that you want to continue a relationship and dialogue with them. If the staffer or legislator asks a question you don’t know the answer to, do not try to fake it. Instead, promise to follow up with accurate information and resources.
  • End on a positive note: Return to a feel-good talking point that leaves a positive impression and shows appreciation to your elected official or their staff for meeting with you. 

After Your Meeting: 

  • Offer Thanks: Send a note to your elected official thanking them for meeting with you. Restate any commitments made and reiterate your requests. 
  • Follow Through: If you promised additional information for the lawmaker, be sure to include that along with your note. Offer again to be a resource to your elected official and stay connected with them, letting them know about PFLAG events they or their staffers might want to attend.
  • Let PFLAG Know: Please copy Diego Sanchez, PFLAG National Director of Advocacy, Policy, and Partnerships on your thank-you or follow-up letter.