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Supercharge Your PFLAG Advocacy and Be Heard! Recording & Training Toolkit

Lobbying is hotter than ever. Elected officials’ phone lines are busy, there are lines outside of offices, and emails are flooding in. And while PFLAGers have always been legislative advocates, now is the time to supercharge your advocacy skills! 

Whether you’re a seasoned advocate with your legislators on speed dial, or if you’re excited but intimidated, you’ll learn ways to build your skills, educate others, and fine-tune your efforts.

About Advocacy for PFLAG Chapters

Advocacy is a big part of the mission of PFLAG: Our organizational roots are in activism, starting nearly 50 years ago with one mom in New York who took to the streets with a homemade sign, advocating for equality and justice for her gay child. Learn more at pflagchapters.wpenginepowered.com/advocacy-101