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Taking the Long Road Home: Discussion Guide

In PFLAG National’s film Taking the Long Road Home, young, queer, Black Panamanian filmmaker Qyidaar Foster takes us on a journey of faith and discovery as he interviews Black spiritual leaders from across the country. 

Through conversation and contemplation, the film asks the question: Is there room for queerness in the Black Church? 

This guide is designed to help facilitate discussion of that question and others within your PFLAG chapter, family, church or community group as you watch the film.

Starting the Discussion

  • If you were going to tell a friend about this film, what would you say?

  • Describe a moment or scene in the film that you found particularly challenging or moving. What about that scene was especially compelling for you?

  • Did anything in the film surprise you? Was anything familiar?

  • If you could ask anyone in the film a single question, whom would you ask and what would you want to know?

Personal Reflection:

Filmmaker Qiydaar Foster shares through the film that he is “taking the long road” to find and possibly return to his spiritual home in the Black Church. 

  • What is the role of faith, religion, or spirituality in your life? 

  • Do you follow a specific practice or have you created something else that works for you? 

  • What has led you to this, i.e., what was the “road” that you took?

Rev. Naomi Washington-Leapheart opens the film by talking about how she finds a spiritual connection between her queerness and her faith. 

  • How has queerness intersected with your faith, spirituality, or religious practice? 

  • What are your feelings when it comes to the intersection of family, faith and identity?

Identity Reflection

Rev. Michael J. Crumpler mentioned in the film that he used to separate who he was attracted to and had sex with from who he was as a person. 

  • In your opinion, do you think that sexual orientation and gender identity and who you are as a person connect? 

  • How so?

Pastor Mykal Shannon shared that initially, he thought that coming out meant coming out to his mother. Because “who else did I have to tell? God knew. My mother knew.” 

  • What does coming out mean to you?

  • In your experience, where has coming out been the most difficult?

Family Reflection

Multiple interviewees reflected on their relationship with their families. Some came out and were accepted, others were shunned and had insults thrown at them.

  • How does your family feel about the LGBTQ+ community? Did you feel safe coming out to them? 

  • If not, where have you found your “Found Family”?

  • How can families heal damaged relationships? In your opinion, who is responsible for starting those healing conversations?

Faith Reflection

  • How does religion function as a way for people to connect? How is it used as a wedge to divide? How can it do both?

  • Multiple interviewees expressed that they felt isolated from the church because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. How do churches unintentionally alienate LGBTQ kids?

  • How is it possible for people from the same faith tradition to come to such different conclusions about topics such as LGBTQ+?

Overall Reflection:

  • Is there space in the Black Church for a queer person? Is there space for queerness?


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