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When Someone Comes Out: A PFLAGers Guide to Demonstrating Support and Acceptance Recording & Training Toolkit

The term “coming out” has become so mainstream that many people assume that the word—and the actions it entails—are simple. However PFLAGers know that it can still be a harrowing for individuals and families. This brand-new webinar has some great tips, tools, and ideas for PFLAG members looking to support LGBTQ+ individuals who are planning to come out and new (and potential) allies who want to demonstrate their acceptance of LGBTQ folks in their lives. Whether you’re new to coaching people through coming out or looking for a refresher and to build your skills, the session provides action items to make you a more effective advocate.

Thank you for joining PFLAG National’s learning session! On this page, you’ll find additional resources to expand your learning — and hopefully help answer any questions that you may have.

PFLAG Resources:

Find a PFLAG Chapter. Use the search function to find the PFLAG Chapter closest to you and reach out to let them know more about the work you’re doing and the type of support you need!

PFLAG Publications. Download, print, and share PFLAG publications referenced during the workshop including Our Children, Our Trans Loved Ones, and more!

Recommended Reading. This reading list is an excellent starting point and includes many of the titles referenced during the workshop.

Resources for People and Families of Faith

Resources for People and Families of Color:

Research & Data: