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Support PFLAG

More Ways to Give

PFLAG is the first and largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and their families. PFLAG’s network of hundreds of chapters and more than 325,000 members and supporters works to create a caring, just, and affirming world for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them. PFLAG supports each individual and their journey by standing beside them and providing guidance along the way—activating an energetic love that is constant and steadfast.

  • Donate through Paypal

    Donate through PayPal


    Donate Variant


  • Guardian Giving

    Through the PFLAG Guardian Program, you can help sustain our programs with affordable monthly donations via credit or debit card. As a Guardian, your membership in PFLAG is automatically renewed each year. This helps PFLAG reduce its cost of annual membership renewals and reminder notices, and means less mail in your mailbox.


  • In Honor or Memory of

    Whether you are celebrating the memory of someone special, or an anniversary, wedding, birthday, or important friendship, a donation to PFLAG is a great way to honor a legacy or event. Unless you choose to give anonymously, we will send a letter to your honoree or the family of the deceased, letting them know of your generous gift.

    Make an online gift in honor or memory of someone special.

    For more information, contact give@pflag.org.

  • Planned Giving and Bequests

    In 1972, Jeanne Manford’s life was changed forever when she learned that her son had been beaten at a gay rights protest, and the police stood by and did nothing. Outraged, she took action. She wrote letters to newspapers, she marched with her son in an early precursor to NY Pride, and she founded the organization known today as PFLAG, where families, allies, and LGBTQ+ people work together, support one another, educate local communities, and advocate for an end to discrimination.

    The legacy that Jeanne Manford and her family created is far beyond her wildest dreams. PFLAG’s unique work has contributed significantly to advances made in LGBTQ+ equality. But there is so much more to do to achieve full equality and to change the hearts and minds of millions of people so that equality is reflected in every aspect of our culture. YOU can create your own legacy by including PFLAG in your will and estate planning. This is a lasting gift of support that costs nothing during your lifetime. As a member and supporter of PFLAG today, you are making PFLAG’s critical work possible today. By joining the Jeanne Manford Legacy Circle and including PFLAG in your will, you will sustain our unique voice in the years and decades to come. YOU will help ensure that PFLAG remains a critical resource for the next generation and beyond, just as these Legacy Circle members have done:

    “Even after we are gone, we want to continue to make the world a better place for our gay son, and all LGBTQ people. That’s why we have designated PFLAG as one of the beneficiaries of our estate.” — The Cepek Family

    “PFLAG gave my mother, while she lived, the opportunity to learn how a heterosexual parent can be a useful participant in the life of a gay young person. Consequently, my Estate Gift to PFLAG also is a memorial to my mother’s initiative and understanding of social justice.” — Killian Swift  

    How to include PFLAG in your will

    Trusts and insurance beneficiary designations are other great ways to support our work.


    Charitable Remainder Trusts, Charitable Gift Annuities and Charitable Lead Trusts are just a few examples of options for controlling principle asset ownership as well as the flow of income or annuities to you, PFLAG, or any other designee. Each type of trust has unique advantages and tax implications. Please consult your attorney or financial advisor to determine the best way to provide for you and your loved ones while supporting PFLAG’s important work.

    Life Insurance

    Designating PFLAG as a primary or secondary Life Insurance beneficiary is a low-cost way to make a significant Planned Gift. You may also be eligible for tax deductions if PFLAG is designated as both the owner and beneficiary of the policy.

  • Stock Gifts

    Gifts of appreciated stocks support our work and can reduce your capital gains tax liability.

    A gift of appreciated stocks and/or bonds is a simple and potentially tax-advantageous way to support PFLAG. For appreciated securities held longer than one year you may be able to deduct the full fair market value of a stock donation (as always talk with your tax advisor to determine the tax effects of a donation on your specific tax situation).

    Interested in making a gift of stock? Please complete the Stock Donation Letter of Authorization Form or contact our brokerage house, UBS. If you have any questions, please contact PFLAG’s Broker, Ann Johnston at (310) 859-5495. If you have questions about payment or donation via ACH, please email give@pflag.org.

  • Thoron State Advocacy Fund

    The Thoron State Advocacy Fund is a dedicated pool of resources to support PFLAG’s state-level field and policy work. Named after long-time PFLAG leaders Sam and Julia Thoron, the fund is used to elevate the voices of PFLAGers, echoing the mantra of the Thorons as our strategy to change hearts and minds and advance equality. Since the fund launched in 2011, it has supported our state-level work in relationship-building, blocking harmful anti-LGBTQ legislation, and encouraging nondiscrimination policies, safe school policies, and reparative therapy bans. The need for state-level advocacy is only increasing as we fight more and more state level activity. Please join the fight to stop their efforts today!

    Your donation to the Thoron State Advocacy Fund helps make it possible for the PFLAG National staff to provide strategic leadership, guidance and materials. Your donation allows PFLAG National to invest in unique PFLAG education campaigns in collaboration with local and state partners to advance equality and to fight anti-LGBTQ campaigns being launched to roll back equality successes already achieved.

  • Cepek Ally Action Fund

    Engaging allies is needed now more than ever.

    The Cepek Ally Action Fund is named after PFLAG National board president emeritus John Cepek who passed away unexpectedly on March 15, 2017.

    John was a gentle soul filled with joy, humor, compassion, and a fierce and unrelenting commitment to dignity, inclusion and equality. He was the first to have a vision for our Straight for Equality program, recognizing more than a decade ago helping people learn and become supportive is in PFLAG’s DNA, and that we should apply what we know of family support to our allies.

    The surge PFLAG is experiencing in new chapter requests, the influx of fearful — and fierce — families and LGBTQ people in chapters nationwide is evidence of how important our work is right now. The greatest tribute to his life and legacy is to continue the critical work that he started. This fund, in John’s name, is one way for allies and the LGBTQ community who needs them to ensures that PFLAG can reach even more people and fulfill the promise of equality and inclusion for all of us.

  • Workplace Giving

    Combined Giving: United Way, CFC, etc.

    Please include PFLAG National in your United Way, CFC or other workplace Combined Giving Campaigns.

    PFLAG National United Way Donor Choice #: 36839

    Corporate Matching Gifts

    If your employer has a Matching Gift program, your donation to PFLAG National may be eligible to be doubled! Many employers sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contributions or volunteer hours made by their employees, retirees, and/or employees’ spouses.

    Did you Know?

    According to doublethedonation.com, approximately 2/3 of companies with matching gift programs match employee donations to nearly any 501(c)(3) organization or educational institution. Others have more specific criteria which may or may not include PFLAG. Companies typically apply minimums and maximums to their matching gift programs.  The most common minimum amount that companies will match is $25, though minimum matches range from $1 – $100. Maximums typically go from $1,000-$15,000. The majority of companies match donations at a 1:1 ratio, although ratios can be set at anything from .5:1 ($.50 match on every dollar donated) to 4:1 ($4 match on every dollar donated).

    Hmmm…that’s interesting! What now?

    Please contact your HR department to determine whether your company offers Matching Gifts, whether your donation to PFLAG is eligible to be matched, and for specific information about the minimum, maximum, and match ratio. Your HR professional will provide you with a form (or, in many cases, a URL link to an electronic form). You complete the appropriate parts and submit it to your company. After they have reviewed eligibility, etc., they will contact PFLAG to verify your gift, and then issue the match directly to PFLAG.

    For more information, contact Maggie Ardiente, Director of Development, mardiente@pflag.org or (202) 349-0788.